Monday, May 12, 2008

Virtual Tourism

The Virtual World Industry is going mainstream. Large virtual world platforms, such as Second Life and There, now host populations in the millions. And that's just the adults. Children's virtual worlds are developing at a phenomenal pace, with toy manufacturers like Neopets, entering the virtual world craze to further encourage interactivity with their products.

But what does all of this have to do with the tourism industry? Simple. Virtual worlds are the evolution of the Internet - adults use them and kids are being taught with them - reports that "In a recent study Gartner predicted that by 2011 up to 80% of active Internet users, or 250 million people, will participate online in virtual worlds"

( - for full article).

So it's no wonder that the next step will be a virtual platform by which travelers can experience their potential spots before travel - step in Amazing Worlds.

But, what's the point of me blogging about it when you can check out the Amazing Worlds platform for yourself! Check out the demo video and gallery on YouTube -

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