Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Can Trinidad find it's niche with business tourism?

When it comes to tourism plans, Trinidad and Tobago's has been through several incarnations. It seems that with the dawn of each administration, the tourism plan changes and the twin island seems to be constantly struggling to get out of the starting blocks. Some years ago, there was an attempt to sell the twin island as a two in one package with Trinidad for fun and parties and Tobago for rest and relaxation. These days, the emphasis in on marketing Trinidad as the perfect destination for conferences and other international business events.

I recently came across this article in which the author questions Trinidad's advantage in marketing itself as a business destination.

The author wonders why, in this time of economic uncertainty, the tourism officials are pegging their hopes on business tourism. Yes, Trinidad has secured two major conferences for 2009, the Summit of the Americas in April and the Commonwealth Heads of Government conference in October, but despite assurances from the government that there will be benefits, no one is really sure in what form such benefits will take.

The article makes it clear that what is needed is a focused plan. Trinidad and Tobago has more resources than most Caribbean islands yet the country lags behind everyone else when it comes to marketing, promoting and establishing a real brand.

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